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'The Nonlinear Editing/Compositing Suite' of the

Igor Lipski at the AVID Media Composer 8000
(see its Content below or simply click some areas directly on this picture to get corresponding large images)
in the TV-company "TECHINVEST", St.Petersburg, Russia.

Igor Lipski at the AVID Media Composer 8000 (see its Content below or simply click some areas directly on this picture to get corresponding large images) in the TV-company Jean-Luc Ponty's CDs and 'MDR-CD370' Dynamic Stereo Headphones (Click for a large image) 'DOD-1642' Audio Mixer and 'MDR-CD370' Dynamic Stereo Headphones (Click for a large image) Apple Macintosh 'Quadra 950', Iomega  ZIP-disk Drive and Boston's Loudspeaker (Click for a large image) AVID documentation kit (Click for a large image) Standard Apple Keyboard (Click for a large image) System of loudspeaking communication which is made by Igor Lipski (Click for a large image) AVID Single Deck Video Switch,  'Digidesign PRO Tools VSD' Video Slave Driver, 'Digidesign PRO Tools SA4' 4-channels' Audio Interface in the 19 'ELECTRONICS 4CH-PROF' 4-channels  Reel-to-Reel (38.1; 19.05 and 9.53 sm/sec) Audio Deck (Click for a large image) 'SONY PVW-2800P' BetacanSP Video Cassette Recorder (Click for a large image) 'Alesis Quadraverb 2.0' Dual-channel Octal Processing Master Audio Effects,'Yamaha CDX-590' CD Audio Player and 'Panasonic NV-HD650' VHS Video Cassette Recorder with a SVHS-reader (Click for a large image) 'SONY PVM-1454QM' Professional Video Monitor (Click for a large image) 'Hewlett Packard Sure Store 6020' CD-R Disk Recorder in an Additional Chassis to the computer 'Apple Macintosh Quadra 950' what gives the possibility to use removable storages and effectively share Media-data between the Avid MC system and computers of Video-graphics and Design Suite. It was built by Igor Lipski (Click for a large image) 'Mustek MFS-12000CX' Flatbed Scanner with Transparency Adapter (Click for a large image) Standard Apple Mouse (Click for a large image) 'Mitsubishi HC3925ETKL' Professional Multysystem Monitors (Click for a large image) Mitsubishi HC3925ETKL' Professional Multysystem Monitors (Click for a large image)


This Avid Media Composer 8000 (serial #9374) was bought from AVID Sweden at the beginning of 1994 (last 'Upgrade' was made in 1996). This MC contains :

Besides that, 'The Nonlinear Editing/Compositing Suite' is equiped with the following :

There are some specialized devices in 'The Nonlinear Editing/Compositing Suite' which were made by Igor Lipski :

This Page was created in April 1999 by Igor Lipski, for more details welcome to his private site!