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The notarize translation is fulfilled from Russian into English
Joint Stock Company of the closed type
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Outgoing ref.     236     of 17 Dec, 1998 Page 1  out of 5


about the official duties, labour and creative activity of Lipski Igor Sergeyevich
as a member of the Saint Petersburg TV Company "An Information Concern TECHINVEST".

Lipski Igor Sergeyevich was given an employment of the Senior Avid Editor/Engineer of the "An Information Concern TECHINVEST" (Postproduction Facility) on the 20th April, 1994, when it had been founded, and continues his work in the present appointment up to the day of this the REFERENCE LETTER issue, fulfilling actually the functions upon the following two appointments:

  1. Nonlinear (Avid) Editor ;
  2. Chief Engineer of Postproduction Facility.

and receiving an appropriate double salary.

Having an appointment of a Senior Avid Editor/Engineer of the "An Information Concern TECHINVEST" and according to the staff schedule, Lipski Igor Sergeyevich has 12 subordinates (people under his authority):

    • 2 Nonlinear Avid Editors (AVID MC8000);
    • 2 Linear Videotape Editors (Sony/FOR.A);
    • 1 Sound Editor (Tascam/Ensoniq);
    • 2 Digital Artists (Autodesk 3D Studio MAX / Alias|wavefront Maya)
    • 4 Camera's Engineers (Sony);
    • 1 Maintenance Engineer (BetacamSP).




  1. Duties and occupation functions of Lipski Igor Sergeyevich as a Nonlinear (Avid) Editor are as follows:

  • On-Line and Off-Line Nonlinear Editing/Compositing (see 'NOTE' below, please) on the system AVID Media Composer 8000 (hereinafter Avid MC) in the Apparatus Room of Nonlinear Editing of :

  • Collegiate (together with a Producer, Screen Writer, Production Director, Cameramen and Digital Artists) coordination of Postproduction technology in accordance with the aesthetic aim of the project being carried out.

  • Instructions and consultations (including "hot" ones which are given by telephone from home) upon the equipment usage order and Postproduction technologies which are given to his colleagues - Nonlinear Avid Editors, who also work on the Avid MC system in the Apparatus Room of Nonlinear Editing.

  • Coordination of his working schedule and the schedule of his collaborators - Nonlinear Avid Editors, who also work on the Avid MC system in the Apparatus Room of Nonlinear Editing in order to provide the regular operating of the Apparatus Room.


On-Line (in particular case) Nonlinear Avid Editing/Composing is composite process of the creative and technological activity of a Nonlinear Avid Editor, which includes the following moments (conformably to the work of Lipski Igor Sergeyevich):

  1. Acquaintance with the aim of the project being edited and the working out of the strategy and tactics of the forthcoming Editing process with a Producer, Screen Writer, Production Director and Digital Artists;


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LETTER of REFERENCE about the official duties, labour and creative activity of Lipski Igor Sergeyevich as a member of the Saint Petersburg TV Company "An Information Concern TECHINVEST".


  1. Studio Floor Staging of Cameras and Lights with the purpose of the further unification of the Actors being shot (both Leading Actors, Guests of a Program, and real objects and backdrops) in the Avid MC system with "Virtual Backdrops", created by Digital Artists on their equipment (Autodesk 3DStudioMAX /  Alias|wavefront Maya under Widows NT). See items "n" and "o" of the present 'NOTE';

  2. Setting of Microphones on the right Studio-Tone (in our company it is the Studio Room adjacent to the Apparatus Room of Editing partitioned off by a special three layers sound-proof window) and preparing its for a certain announcer, who begins reading the offscreen text;

  3. Selection (excerption, matching) of music material and noises samples from CD collection of Techinvest TV Company, the appointment of a Music Editor, carried out by Lipski Igor Sergeyevich within the process of Editing in the cases when neither Producer, nor Production Director have not prepared this material beforehand;

  4. Creation of a new or import of existing Media Logs of Audio-Video Footage intended for Editing and using Script Intagration Method if that necessary;

  5. Digitizing of Audio and Video Footage from analog carriers (for example, from Videocassettes. It is BetacamSP in Techinvest TV Company) or conversion of Audio-Video Footage from digital carriers (for example, optics, magneto-optics or hard disks, digital Audio and Videocassettes (DV) into the format which is used in the process of Editing on the Avid MC system (i.e. OFMI basing on the properties of QuickTime inveronment);

  6. Managing of Digitizing process from analog carriers by the method of the correction of Audio signals parameters (level, timbre, frequency correction, dynamic treatment, etc.) and Video signals parameters (brightness, contrast, colour, colour phase, level of colour components of Video, etc.) coming to Media Carriers of the Avid MC system;

  7. Assembling of elements prepared for the Editing of Audio and Video Footage in accordance with the Screen Task (Assembling of the "Script's Version");

  8. Correction of the "Script's Version" in order to achieve the duration of a Finished Sequence (reel, program, etc.) stated in the Screen Task (Screen Plan);

  9. Layering of musical and sound Audio-tracks to the "Script's Version", including the execution of soundtrack pre-mastering (Creation of the "Sound Editor's Version"; modeling of the dynamics of the change of soundtracks parameters - level, stereo panorama , timbre, etc. - upon KeyFrames on Timeline) of Finished Sequence (reel, program, etc.) being edited are the functions of a Sound Editor carried out by Lipski Igor Sergeyevich in the process of Editing of all projects on the Avid MC system;

  10. Assembling of the main video layer which is based on the rhythmic of sound tracks being previously edited (Reverse Method, i.e. sound tracks editing upon video track being previously edited, is, of course, available to us in full volume, but in practice it is used rather seldom in the Apparatus Room of Nonlinear Editing);

  11. Correction of sound tracks ("Rhythmic Correction" or even the change of musical fragments and noises) in order to achieve the Harmony between Video and Audio Streams of Material being edited (video-reel, -program, etc.);

  12. Adding of "Transition's" ("Spliced", A/B-roll) and "Segment's" ("Clip's") Video and Graphical effects and modeling of the dynamic of these effects parameters change upon KeyFrames on Timeline;

  13. Exporting of segments or separate frames from Sequence being edited into graphical format in order to carry out their treatment by applications - Adobe AfterEffects and Adobe Photoshop on the same computer (Apple Macintosh Quadra 950 + PPC-upgrade) where the Avid MC system operates (Lipski Igor Sergeyevich fulfills this work by himself) or to carry out the treatment with the help of the applications Autodesk 3DStudioMAX and Alias|wavefront Maya on the computers Intel under Windows NT (this work is fulfilled by Digital Artists of our TV Company);

  14. Import of finished Video-graphical materials: "natural" (i.e. those taken from Video-track of Timeline and being edited/composited and treated) or those "synthesized" by computer's applications (see the foregoing item "n" of the present 'NOTE') into the format of the Avid MC system;


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LETTER of REFERENCE about the official duties, labour and creative activity of Lipski Igor Sergeyevich as a member of the Saint Petersburg TV Company "An Information Concern TECHINVEST".


  1. Multilayer Compositing: combination of different "effect's" Video layers with the main Video-track of Timeline being previously edited (see items "k", "i" and "m" of the present 'NOTE') and modeling of the dynamics of the change of these effects parameters upon KeyFrames on Timeline. In some projects this procedure is effected by Lipski Igor Sergeyevich on the stage of the treatment of segments and separate frames from Editing Sequence being edited in the application Adobe AfterEffects, what gives much more perfect instrumentation for Compositing but requires a longer work over a project;

  2. Rendering Procedure control with the purpose to transfer all "effect" processes having been edited into the possibility to be RealTimePlayback, i.e. in the standard of Video signal being used (all the Video equipment of our Postproduction Facility - TV Company «Techinvest» - operates in PAL Video-system);

  3. Auditorial Playbacking of Finished Sequence (reel, program, etc.) is carried out directly from the Avid MC system in the presence of all creative group and representatives of a Customer;

  4. Analysis of the Requirements and Wishes of a Customer, acquired in the result of review, and return to the item "a" of the present 'NOTE' and the fulfillment of all foregoing stages of Editing in order to make correction of Material being edited (video-reel, -program, etc.) or passing over to the final stage of Editing (see the next item);

  5. Final Mastering of the Sound tracks is the function of a Sound Editor carried out by Lipski Igor Sergeyevich in the process of Editing of all projects on the Avid MC system;

  6. «Digital Cut» of Finished Sequence to Master-cassette: Playbacking of Finished Sequence (reel, program, etc.) having been edited from the Avid MC system in real time with the simultaneous recording of Audio-Video outputs signals to Master-cassette;

  7. Archiving of a project: additional "DigitCut" of Finished Sequence (reel, program, etc.) to "Archive Master-cassette" and also the store of files with editing Footage and small (less than 1min.) Media-files on archive carriers (CD-ROM, Streamers, etc.);

  8. Preparation of attending documents: making out of Video-cassettes certificates, signing of Acceptance Act, etc.;

  9. Post-editing prophylactic of the Avid MC system.

The end of the 'NOTE'


List of the works fulfilled by Lipski Igor Sergeyevich, as a Nonlinear (Avid) Editor, on the Nonlinear Video Editing System AVID Media Composer 8000 from the beginning of his labour activity in the "An Information Concern TECHINVEST" on the 20th April, 1994 till the day of the present LETTER of REFERENCE issue can be seen in the Appendix No. 1 below.




  1. Duties and occupation functions of Lipski Igor Sergeyevich, as a Chief Engineer of Postproduction Facility, are as follows:

  • Continuos studying of the ways of Broadcast, Postproduction and Computer Technology development in the modern World by means of :

    • reading of special magazines ("Broadcast Engineer", "Digital Video", "Videography", "TKT", "625", "Multimedia", etc.);

    • analysis of Information materials in the INTERNET on the Sites of the companies producing Postproduction and Broadcast equipment - Silicon Graphics, Discreet Logic, Avid, Kodak, Sony, Ikegamy, Panasonic, Philips/BTS, Thompson, Truevision, For.A, Tektronix, etc.);

    • analysis of Information materials in the INTERNET on the Sites of International Exhibitions of Broadcast, Postproduction and Computer equipment and technology and also on the Sites of International Professional Organizations relating to this sphere: IBC, ITVS, NAB, SIGGRAPH, AES, EBU, SMPTE, etc.;

    • participation in virtual Tele-Conferences in the INTERNET (Internet News);

    • Communions by Email with colleagues working in TV Companies, Cinema Companies and Video Studios through out the world (in Australia, England, Sweden, Germany, Canada, USA, etc.);


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LETTER of REFERENCE about the official duties, labour and creative activity of Lipski Igor Sergeyevich as a member of the Saint Petersburg TV Company "An Information Concern TECHINVEST".


    • attending of specialized exhibitions;

    • attending of TV companies and Video Studios in Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Stockholm and other cities.

  • Strategic analysis of the state of the facilities of the TV Company and development of projects concerning its expansion and optimization.

  • Collegiate (together with a Chief Manager and Art Director) coordination of the ways of the development of the TV Company technical base, correction of the projects of its expansion and optimization according to the international tendencies of the progress of technologies in the sphere of Postproduction and Broadcasting.

  • Carrying out of work with the Vendors of equipment:

    • negotiations;

    • business correspondence (most of which is carried out by E-mail and sometimes by fax);

    • working out of drafts for modernization of the TV Company facilities;

    • final coordination of delivery packages in the Vendor's office (specifically in the office of the Sweden company AVID Sweden in Stockholm, which took place twice - in October, 1994 and November, 1996).

  • Collegiate (together with a Chief Manager and Art Director) coordination of Postproduction and Broadcasting technology of our company according to the subject and aims of the projects being carried out.

  • Instructions and consultations (including "hot" ones which are given by telephone from home) upon the equipment usage order and Postproduction technologies and also upon the rules of the use of organizational equipment and personal computers by staff of the TV company.

  • Routine analysis (including the "hot" one when home telephone is used) of damages and technological problems arising in the process of work of our TV company, and organization of the activity upon their overcoming.

  • Organization of preventative maintenance.

  • Organization of extraordinary preventive and repair works of the went out of service equipment with the enlisting the services of detached engineering companies and service centers.

  • Independent («by own hands») routine repair of equipment in case of simple damages.

  • Working out and maintenance of inventory data bases (under Microsoft Excel).

  • Work with representatives of the State Auditing Organizations upon the inventory analysis of the company facilities.




Besides the functions regulated by the functionary instructions of a Nonlinear (Avid) Editor and Chief Engineer of Postproduction Facility, Lipski Igor Sergeyevich, according to his own initiative, carries out the works upon Video shooting arrangement. Moreover, sometimes he himself carries out Video shooting as an Cameraman (we know that before coming to work in our company Lipski Igor Sergeyevich, besides working as a Sound Editor and Linear Video Editor, either worked as an Cameraman for the period of some years. In particular, he worked for the Saint Petersburg Affiliate of the Russian News Service of the International TV Company «WTN»).

As an engineer-designer, Lipski Igor Sergeyevich created some specialized devices which are not industrially produced and those having specific characteristics necessary in the technological Postproduction cycle of our company, by his own hands:

  1. RS 422 switchboard of signals with special configuration for BetacamSP Video Recorders/Players control.

  2. Audio signals switchboard with special configuration for the routine change of Audio signals scheme of Apparatus Room of Nonlinear Editing.

  3. Additional chassis to the computer Apple Macintosh Quadra 950 what gives the possibility to use removable storages and effectively share Media-data between the Avid MC system and computers of Video-graphics and Design Apparatus Room.

  4. System of loudspeaking communication "Editing Apparatus Room" - "Shooting Pavilion" with additional units of automatic announcement («Tally Light») like "Silence, please! Shooting is on!".

  5. Specialized switchboard of the acoustic control signals for the Apparatus Room of Linear Audio-Video Editing.


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LETTER of REFERENCE about the official duties, labour and creative activity of Lipski Igor Sergeyevich as a member of the Saint Petersburg TV Company "An Information Concern TECHINVEST".


For the period of his work in our TV Company Lipski Igor Sergeyevich has shown himself as a conscientious, honest worker making maximum efforts in order to keep up our enterprise at the modern international level. He easily and with pleasure works "in a team", although he can work independently. He has a quick and flexible mind, being, however, an assiduous and hardy person. In case of extreme situations, when urgent alterations of Video Footage being edited are needed, he can work without having sleep and rest during up to 4 running shifts (for the period of 5 year existence of our company such precedents have happened more than once). He is a responsive friend always ready to give help. He possesses teaching abilities. He is ready disinterestedly to share the wide knowledge, he possesses, with his colleagues.

On the present day Lipski Igor Sergeyevich,

  1. as an Editor, is a person who harmoniously combines his natural intuition of visual composition with keen musical hearing and faultless sense of rhythm (i.e. creative abilities inherent in an artist with creative abilities necessary for a musician, and these, however, are the things needed from the servant of Muses of such synthetic kinds of Art as Cinema, TV and Video-art), and a person who, nevertheless, ensures the professional quality of Video products made by him;

  2. as an Engineer, he is a qualified world class specialist in the sphere of Postproduction and Broadcasting equipment and technology.

Director-General of Information Concern "TECHINVEST"                  /Signature/           

/Ermolov A.J./

Art Director of TV Company                                                               /Signature/           

/Pochin S.A./

The seal of the Joint Stock Company of the closed type "TECHINVEST", Saint Petersburg

The present document is sewn and sealed by the seal of the Joint Stock Company of the closed type "TECHINVEST", Saint Petersburg

All errors of the public Notary-Translator in this Official Translation (from Russian into English) of the LETTER of REFERENCE were adjusted by Igor Lipski (23 Dec, 1998). Conversion to HTML was also realized by Igor Lipski (08 Jan, 1999).

APPENDIX 1 to LETTER of REFERENCE, outgoing 236 of 17 Dec, 1998, about the official duties, labour and creative activity of Lipski Igor Sergeyevich as a member of the Saint Petersburg TV Company "An Information Concern TECHINVEST".
Outgoing ref.     238     of 21 December, 1998
(and the followed dates*)
Page 1  out of 12



of the works fulfilled by Lipski Igor Sergeyevich, as a Nonlinear Avid Editor,
on the Video Editing System AVID Media Composer 8000
from the beginning of his labour activity in the "Information Concern TECHINVEST"
on 20th April, 1994 till the day of the Letter of Reference issue (21 Dec, 1998)
(with additional records on the followed dates which are marked with asterisk*)



  1. Pilot-programs
# Date Title & Creators Run Time
1. 8 Jun, 1994

Signature Reel "Kaleidoscope"
Design, Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

2. 5 Sep, 1994

Signature Reel "Alexander Nevskiy"
Screen Writer & Director - Igor Feoktistov;
Cameraman - Eduard Sokolov (BetacamSP);
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

3. 16 Dec, 1995

Subtitles for TV-program "Wake Up and Turn On!"
Subtitles Design - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

4. 16 Jan, 1996

Pilot for TV-program "Slaveryday" (working postname is "CHANCE")
Screen Writer - Sergey Krasnopeyev
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

5. 16 Jan, 1997

Pilot for TV-program "From A-point ..."
Screen Writer - Sergey Krasnopeyev
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

6. 20 Dec, 1997

Pilot for TV-program "Who Has Visited Us?"
Producer - Sergey Avrutin
Manager - Tatyana Naumova
Idea Author & Director - Dmitiy Poddubniy
Screen Writer - Nikolay Vinokurov
Artist - Alexandra Poddubnaya
Costumes - Tatyana Dorozhkina
Makijages - Natalia Tulupova
Cameraman-Director - Denis Schiglovskiy
Cameramans - Denis Yerishev, Dmitriy Igoshin (BetacamSP)
Video Engineer - Sergey Tochilkin
Audio Engineer - Anton Badigov
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

7. 16 Jan, 1998

Pilot for TV-program "Common Saloon"
Screen Writer - Lubov Vasko
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Sergey Krasnopeyev (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

8. 23 Oct, 1998

Pilot for TV-program "Election-98"
Screen Writer & Director - Alexander Morozov
Cameraman - ... (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Yevgeniy Kharkevitch (SGI)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

9. 15 Feb, 1999*

Pilot for TV-program "Dear My Oldsters"
Producer General - Alexander Ermolov
Art Director - Sergey Pochin
Screen Writer - Lubov Vasko
Director - Valentina Govorushkina
Cameramans - Victor Konovalov, Sergey Krasnopeyev, Dmitriy Dolgov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio MAX, Adobe AfterEffects, Photoshop)
Linear Video-editing - Marina Tikhanova (BetacamSP: Sony, For.A, etc.)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

10. 26 Mar, 1999*

Pilot for TV-program "Agent BBB"
("An Agent of the Blameless Business Bureau")
Producer General - Sergej Pochin
Screen Writer - Sergey Krasnopeyev
Director - Valentina Govorushkina
Cameramans - Victor Konovalov, Dmitriy Dolgov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio MAX, Adobe AfterEffects, Photoshop)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

11. 29 Apr, 1999*

Pilot for TV-program "North-Western Region News"
Producer General - Sergej Pochin
Screen Writer - Alexey Boyev
Director - Nikolay Raytsev
Cameramans - Victor Konovalov, Dmitriy Dolgov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio MAX, Adobe AfterEffects, Photoshop)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)



  1. Broadcasted TV-programs
# Date Title & Creators Run Time
1. July





Socio-Analitical TV-program "TEST"
Screen Writers - Mila Pozdnyakova, Yelena Klementova, Yelena Yegorova, Alik Gaynanov, Svetlana Kulchitskaya, Sergey Krasnopeyev, Lubov Vasko, Natalia Kruglova, Michael Kozlov, Gfdtk Eglit, Nikolay Vdovin, Nikolay Dikov, Dmitriy Titov
Directors - Igor Feoktistov, Alexei Meshkov, Pavel Medvedev, Julia Oleschenko, Yevgenia Gorelikova, Sergey Zmeyevtsev, Vladimir Potapov, Nikolay Dikov, Dmitriy Titov, Igor Lipski 
Cameramans - Eduard Sokolov, Sergey Efremeko, Alexander Samsonov, Yuriy Kiyashko, Oleg Belokon, Sergey Gusev (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Sergey Yefremenkov, Gleb Nikulskiy, Igor Lipski  (3D Studio, Adobe AfterEffects, Photoshop)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)





2. January





Socio-Analitical TV-program "CHANCE"
Screen Writers - Svetlana Kulchitskaya, Sergey Krasnopeyev, Lubov Vasko, Natalia Kruglova, Michael Kozlov, Pavel Eglit, Nikolay Vdovin, Nikolay Dikov, Dmitriy Titov
Directors - Sergey Zmeyevtsev, Vladimir Potapov, Valentina Govorushkina, Nikolay Dikov, Dmitriy Titov, Igor Lipski 
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov, Yuriy Kiyashko, Oleg Belokon, Sergey Gusev (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Sergey Yefremenkov, Gleb Nikulskiy, Igor Lipski  (3D Studio, Adobe AfterEffects, Photoshop)
Music Composer - Igor Shamatrin
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)





3. September




Musical-Entertaining "Incubator"
Idea Author & Art Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Screen Writers - Sergey Zmeyevtsev, Nikolay Vdovin, Vladislav Rezakov, Sergey Murashov
Directors - Sergey Murashov, Igor Lipski 
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov, Yuriy Kiyashko, Oleg Belokon, Sergey Gusev (BetacamSP)
Audio & Video Engineers - Sergey Tochilkin, Konstantin Yeliseyev, Dmitriy Bashilov, Juriy Timashkov
Digital Artist - Digital Artist - Sergey Yefremenkov, Gleb Nikulskiy, Igor Lipski  (3D Studio, Adobe AfterEffects, Photoshop)
Music Composer - Igor Shamatrin
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)



4. January




Action-Entertaining "Who Has Visited Us?"
Producer - Sergey Avrutin
Manager - Tatyana Naumova
Idea Author & Director - Dmitiy Poddubniy
Screen Writer - Nikolay Vinokurov
Art Director - Alexandra Poddubnaya
Costumery Artist - Tatyana Dorozhkina
Face-Painter - Natalia Tulupova
Cameraman-Director - Denis Schiglovskiy
Cameramans - Denis Yerishev, Dmitriy Igoshin (BetacamSP)
Video Engineer - Sergey Tochilkin
Audio Engineer - Anton Badigov
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)


5. July




News-Entertaining "Who Are Wake Up Early ..."
Producer - Oleg Kostenkov.
Screen Writers - Svetlana Kulchitskaya, Sergey Krasnopeyev, Natalia Kruglova, Pavel Eglit, Michael Kozlov, Nikolay Dikov, Nikolay Vdovin, Nadezhda Gerasimova, Galina Tkhonovich, Alexej Muravyev, Yevgenia Gorelikova, Vyacheslav Rezakov, Olga Peskova, Olga Shurbelyova, Anastasia Ryabokon
Directors - Sergey Zmeyevtsev, Vladimir Potapov, Valentina Govorushkina, Nikolay Raytsev, Yevgeniy Ovchinnikov, Maxim Brius, Alexej Guryev, Svetlana Kochkina, Nikolay Dikov, Yevgeniya Gorelikova
Redactors - Svetlana Kulchitskaya, Sergey Krasnopeyev, Natalia Kruglova, Olga Shurbelyova, Alexej Boyev
Leading Actors - Yevgeniy Ovchinnikov, Oleg Kostenkov, Michael Chernjak, Alexej Fedotov, Nadezhda Yalina
Visagiste - Vera Prozorova
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov, Dmitriy Dolgov, Victor Konovalov, Yuriy Kiyashko, Oleg Belokon, Sergey Gusev (BetacamSP)
Audio-Video Engineers - Sergey Tochilkin, Konstantin Yeliseyev, Dmitriy Bashilov, Juriy Timashkov
Music Composer - Igor Shamatrin
Digital Artist - Sergey Yefremenkov, Gleb Nikulskiy, (3D Studio, Adobe AfterEffects, Photoshop)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks for Broadcasting reels - Igor Lipski, Alexei Chumakov, Dmitry Valyuzhenich (AVID MC8000)
Assembly of Broadcasting-Tape - Marina Tikhanova, Alexander Belakhov (BetacamSP: Sony, For.A, etc.)
Audio Mastering & Background SoundTracks of Broadcasting-Tape - Roman Nadiyev





6. October


Analitical TV-program "Election-98"
Screen Writer & Director - Alexander Morozov
Cameraman - ... (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Yevgeniy Kharkevitch (SGI)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)


7. January...
... June


... October


Entertaining "Secrets Of Your Home"
Producer General - Sergej Pochin
Screen Writer & Redactor - Lubov Vasko
Director -Valentina Govorushkina
Leading Actors - Oleg Kostenkov
Visagiste - Vera Prozorova
Cameramans - Dmitriy Dolgov, Victor Konovalov, Yuriy Kiyashko, Oleg Belokon, Juriy Timashkov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Sergey Yefremenkov, Gleb Nikulskiy, (3D Studio, Adobe AfterEffects, Photoshop)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)





8. August

Authorial Analitical TV-program "Moment of the Truth":
    a)."Serdjukov"  38'09"   12 Aug, 1999
    b)."Kokoshnikov"  26'42"   15 Aug, 1999
    c)."Nelidov"  29'10"   16 Aug, 1999
    d)."Vasiljev"  29'50"   19 Aug, 1999
    e)."Nekrasov"  29'10"   22 Aug, 1999
Author and Leading Actors - Andrew Karaulov
Director - Valentina Govorushkina
Cameramans - Dmitriy Dolgov, Juriy Timashkov (BetacamSP)
Audio-Video Engineers - Sergey Tochilkin, Juriy Timashkov
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

9. July


Analitical & News "Reflection"
Producer General - Sergej Pochin
Screen Writers - Pavel Gladnev, Alexej Boyev
Redactors - Alexej Boyev, Paul Eglit
Leading Actor - Pavel Gladnev
Director - Nikolay Raytsev
Visagiste - Vera Prozorova
Cameramans -Victor Konovalov, Dmitriy Dolgov, Juriy Timashkov, Igor Lipski (BetacamSP)
Audio-Video Engineers - Sergey Tochilkin, Dmitriy Bashilov, Juriy Timashkov
Digital Artist - Sergey Yefremenkov, Gleb Nikulskiy, (3D Studio, Adobe AfterEffects, Photoshop)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)


10. October

Cultural "I am a Petersburger" /portraits of St Petersburg's Stars/
which was made in a videostudio of an Analytical and Information Centre "TIME":
Producer General - Michael Tchirkov
Project Author & Screen Writer - Natalia Antonova
Directors -Valentina Govorushkina
Cameramans - Kirill Mashkovitch, Kirill Vinogradov, Yuriy Zuyev (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Andrew Lysjuk
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski  (Panasonic AV Workstation WJ-MX1200)
HTML-version at the WWW (Russian version yet) - Igor Lipski

11. March

Cultural. History of the St Petersburg's local authority (1703-1906)
"Esprit de Corps"('Dress-coat Honour')
which was made in a videostudio of an Analytical and Information Centre "TIME":
Producer General - Michael Tchirkov
Project Author & Screen Writer - Natalia Antonova
Directors -Valentina Govorushkina
Cameramans - Kirill Mashkovitch, Kirill Vinogradov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Andrew Lysjuk
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski  (Panasonic AV Workstation WJ-MX1200)
HTML-version at the WWW (Russian version yet) - Igor Lipski

12. October

City News and Analitical "Megalopolis",
which is made in a videostudio of an Analytical and Information Centre "TIME":
    1. 'Central Heating'  21'48"   24 Oct, 2000
    2. 'Public Transport'    Video on WWW  25'20"   31 Oct, 2000
       {Duration: 25'54"; File Size: 168MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 904Kbps}  
    3. 'Householders' Committees'  21'36"   7 Nov, 2000
    4. 'The Houses of Social Welfare'  22'16"   14 Nov, 2000
    5. 'Wiper Barns'  22'10"   21 Nov, 2000
    6. 'City Lighting'    Video on WWW  23'20"   28 Nov, 2000
       {Duration: 23'41"; File Size: 153MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 900Kbps}  
    7. 'Private Motors'  24'32"   5 Dec, 2000
    8. 'Tap Water'  23'16"   12 Dec, 2000
    9. 'Foreign Urbans'    Video on WWW {The end of the program is lost. Here is a part with  25'07"   19 Dec, 2000
       Duration: 17'54"; File Size: 117MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 913Kbps}  
    10. '2000 Year's Annual Digest, part I'  23'03"   26 Dec, 2000
Producer General - Michael Tchirkov
Leading Actor - Vladislav Ponomarenko
Art Director & Screen Writer - Igor Vysoschuk
Director -Valentina Govorushkina
Cameramans - Kirill Mashkovitch, Alexander Gusev, Alexander Andreyew, Kirill Vinogradov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski  (Panasonic AV Workstation WJ-MX1200)
Digital Artists - Alexander Timonin, Andrew Lysjuk
Computer Support - Petr Afanasjev, Alexei Gorkovenko
Information and Analytical Providing - Natalie Bekreneva, Dmitry, Veselov, Alexander Smolin
Coordination - Larisa Kostina Catherine Tchigak
Drivers - Sergey Surikov, Valery Shadrin, Igor Tenchikov





Music Videos

# Date Title & Creators Run Time
1. 15 Sep, 1996

"That Is Such Simply" by 'CAFE' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting and Editing Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

2. 16 Sep, 1996

"You Are My Gladness, You are My Grief!" by 'CAFE' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting and Editing Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

3. 23 Sep, 1996

"Perfidious Love" by 'Perfidious Love' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

4. 3 Oct, 1996

"Colour Paints" by 'S.T.D.K.' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Directors - Igor Lipski and Serg M.
Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)
Video on WWW {Duration: 4'48"; File Size: 30.7MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 892Kbps} - Igor Lipski

5. 3 Oct, 1996

"Summer Has Fled!" by 'S.T.D.K.' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Directors - Igor Lipski and Serg M.
Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)
Video on WWW {Duration: 4'58"; File Size: 30.8MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 868Kbps} - Igor Lipski

6. 4 Oct, 1996

"Because That" by 'DA-108' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

7. 4 Oct, 1996

"Moskow's Walker" by 'DA-108' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

8. 11 Oct, 1996

"Didn't Implore!" by 'Chufella-Marzufella' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

9. 11 Oct, 1996

"Decades" by 'Chufella-Marzufella' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

10. 11 Oct, 1996

"To Buy Some Wine" , version 1, by 'Foxtrot' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

11. 11 Oct, 1996

"Masha" by 'Foxtrot' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

12. 27 Oct, 1996

"Air-Liner" by 'Jam' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

13. 28 Oct, 1996

"Arguments" by 'Boyfriends' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

14. 28 Oct, 1996

"Memoirs" by 'Boyfriends' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

15. 3 Nov, 1996

"Cloudy" by 'Radishgals' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

16. 3 Nov, 1996

"Are You Right?" by 'Radishgals' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

17. 5 Nov, 1996

"Pensive Funk" by 'Bricks' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

18. 14 Nov, 1996

"Planet-X" by 'Bethoveen' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

19. 15 Nov, 1996

"Fly Away!" by 'Bethoveen' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

20. 11 Dec, 1996

"Jam-Session" by 'Jam', 'S.T.D.K.' and 'Chufella-Marzufella' groups
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

21. 12 Dec, 1996

"Nobody Will Not To Know" by 'Chufella-Marzufella' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

22. 13 Dec, 1996

"Give!" by 'Jam' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

23. 16 Dec, 1996

"Jam-Session" by 'S.T.D.K.' and 'Street Boy groups
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

24. 17 Dec, 1996

"Baltic Beauties" by 'S.T.D.K.' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

25. 19 Dec, 1996

"Freedom" by 'CAFE' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

26. 19 Dec, 1996

"Fistiya" by 'Radishgals' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

27. 20 Dec, 1996

"The Heart Of Universe" by 'Bethoveen' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

28. 20 Dec, 1996

"Jam-Session" by 'Bethoveen', 'CAFE' and 'Radishgals' groups
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

29. 23 Dec, 1996

"Nights, White Nights ..." by 'S.T.D.K.' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Directors - Igor Lipski and Serg M.
Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)
Video on WWW {Duration: 3'25"; File Size: 22.6MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 923Kbps} - Igor Lipski

30. 25 Dec, 1996

"The Nights Will Judged Us" by 'CAFE' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

31. 1 Feb, 1997

"To Buy Some Wine, version 2" by 'Foxtrot' group
Cameramans - Alexander Samsonov and Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Shooting Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Editing Director and Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)
Video on WWW {Duration: 4'37"; File Size: 30.1MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 915Kbps} - Igor Lipski

32. 3 Sep, 1997

"Comrade Sergeant" by 'CAFE' group
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Screen Writer and Director - Dmitriy Titov
Avid Editor - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)
Video on WWW {Duration: 4'23"; File Size: 28.0MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 892Kbps} - Igor Lipski



Audio Mastering

# Date Title & Creators Run Time
1. 29 Oct, 1999*

A song for "The Fifth Camporee Of The Youth Work Bands"
Sound Director - Roman Nadiyev
Audio Recording, Editing & Mastering - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)



Commercial Spots

# Date Title & Creators Run Time
1. 5 Jun, 1994

"Vladimirskiy Shop"
Screen Writer, Director & Cameraman (BetacamSP) - Vladimir Potapov
Disign, Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

2. 10 Jun, 1994

Director - Julia Oleschenko
Camera (BetacamSP)
Disign, Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

3. 13 Jun, 1994

Screen Writer & Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Camera (BetacamSP)
Disign, Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

4. 15 Jun, 1994

"Insurance Company ROSTOK"
Screen Writer & Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Camera (BetacamSP)
Disign, Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

5. 20 Jun, 1994

Director - Julia Oleschenko
Camera, Disign, Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

6. 25 Jun, 1994

Self-advertisement animation catoon "TECHINVEST TV-company"
Author, Director & Animator - Alexei Antonov
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)
Video on WWW {Duration: 21"; File Size: 2.3MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 931Kbps} - Igor Lipski

7. 5 Mar, 1996

"Postal Service Petersburg-Express", vers.1
Screen Writer & Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameramans - Oleg Belokon, Igor Lipski
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)
Video on WWW {Duration: 1'02"; File Size: 6.4MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 864Kbps} - Igor Lipski

8. 25 May, 1996

"Paint-Ball Club"
Screen Writer & Director - Vladimir Potapov
Cameraman - Yuriy Kiyashko
Digital Artist - Sergey Yefremenkov, Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)
Video on WWW {Duration: 47"; File Size: 5MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 884Kbps} - Igor Lipski

9. 15 Jun, 1996

"Postal Service Petersburg-Express", vers.2
Screen Writer & Director - Vladimir Potapov
Cameramans - Oleg Belokon
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

10. 30 Jun, 1996

Info-Reel about TV-program "INCUBATOR"
Screen Writer & Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

11. 7 Oct, 1996

"Postal Service Petersburg-Express", vers.3
Screen Writer & Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)
Video on WWW {Duration: 30"; File Size: 3.9MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 867Kbps} - Igor Lipski

12. 14 Oct, 1996

"Postal Service Petersburg-Express", vers.4
Screen Writer & Director - Vladimir Potapov
Cameraman - Oleg Belokon
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)
Video on WWW {Duration: 35"; File Size: 3.6MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 869Kbps} - Igor Lipski

13. 17 Nov, 1996

Screen Writer, Director & Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy
Cameraman - Oleg Belokon
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)
Video on WWW {Duration: 32"; File Size: 3.5MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 910Kbps} - Igor Lipski

14. 4 Sep, 1997

"Postal Service Petersburg-Express", vers.5
Screen Writer & Director - Vladimir Potapov
Cameraman - Oleg Belokon
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

15. 17 Jan, 1997

"The Healing and Mercy Institute"
Screen Writer - Lyubov Vasko
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Yuriy Kiyashko
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)
Video on WWW {Duration: 38"; File Size: 3.9MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 865Kbps} - Igor Lipski

16. 7 May, 1999*

"Planet FITNESS"
Director - Sergey Krasnopeyev
Cameraman - Victor Konovalov
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

17. 19 Aug, 1999*

"Furniture World"
Producer - Sergey Rozumovsky
Directors - Oleg Kostenkov, Igor Lipski
Cameraman - Victor Konovalov
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

18. 30 Aug, 1999*

"Farmacor" (The Chemists' system)
Producer - Sergey Rozumovsky
Directors - Oleg Kostenkov, Igor Lipski
Cameraman - Victor Konovalov
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

19. 8 Sep, 1999*

"Babushkino Maslo" (Grandma's butter)
Producer, Author and Director - Boris Kipnys
Cameraman - ... (Kodak 35mm)
Editing & Compositing - Igor Lipski (Adobe After Effects; AVID MC8000)

20. 10 Sep, 1999*

"Scanmix" (House repair materials from Finland)
Producer - Sergey Rozumovsky
Screen Writer - Oleg Kostenkov
Directors - Oleg Kostenkov, Igor Lipski
Cameraman - Victor Konovalov
Editing & Compositing - Igor Lipski (Adobe After Effects; AVID MC8000)

21. 14 Oct, 1999*

"The fifth camporee of the Youth Work Bands"
Producer & Screen Writer - Oleg Kostenkov
Directors - Oleg Kostenkov, Igor Lipski
Cameraman - Victor Konovalov
Editing & Compositing - Igor Lipski (Adobe After Effects; AVID MC8000)

22. 22 Oct, 1999*

"BBG Communications"
Producer & Screen Writer - Oleg Kostenkov
Directors - Oleg Kostenkov, Igor Lipski
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy, (3D Studio MAX)
Editing & Compositing - Igor Lipski (Adobe After Effects; AVID MC8000)



Promo Videos

# Date Title & Creators Run Time
1. 20 Oct, 1995

"Oh, Summer !.."
Screen Writer - Sergey Krasnopeyev
Director - Vladimir Potapov
Cameraman - Eduard Sokolov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

2. 3 Nov, 1995

Electoral promo "Nowhere to Hide!", episode 1
Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Eduard Sokolov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

3. 21 Nov, 1995

Electoral promo "Nowhere to Hide!", episode 2
Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Vladimir Potapov
Cameraman - Eduard Sokolov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

4. 3 Dec, 1995

Electoral promo "Deputy Candidate Ismagilov Rustam Faatovich",
episode 1

Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Eduard Sokolov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

5. 3 Dec, 1995

Electoral promo "Deputy Candidate Ismagilov Rustam Faatovich",
episode 2

Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Eduard Sokolov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

6. 3 Dec, 1995

Electoral promo "Deputy Candidate Ismagilov Rustam Faatovich",
episode 3

Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Eduard Sokolov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

7. 13 Dec, 1995

Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

8. 19 Apr, 1996

"St.Petersburg's Citizens Employment Committee"
Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

9. 5 May, 1996

"You Will Be Assisted!"
Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

10. 11 May, 1996

"Safe Partner"
Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Vladimir Potapov
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

11. 11 Jun, 1996

"Youth Employment Exchange For All !", version 1
Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (Strato Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

12. 21 Jul, 1996

"Youth Employment Exchange For All !", version 2
Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (Strato Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

13. 20 Aug, 1996

"Employment-2000: Outlook to the Future"
Screen Writer - Lyubov Vasko
Director - Vladimir Potapov
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Sergei Efremenkov (Adobe Photoshop)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

14. 26 Aug, 1996

"Youth Employment Exchange For All !", version 3
Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (Strato Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

15. 21 Oct, 1996

"Postal Service Petersburg-Express"
Screen Writer - Lyubov Vasko
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

16. 15 Nov, 1996

"Moskow. Youth Practice"
Screen Writer - Sergey Krasnopeyev
Director - Vladimir Potapov
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)
Video on WWW {Duration: 13'54"; File Size: 83.3MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 832Kbps} - Igor Lipski

17. 17 Dec, 1996

"St.Petersburg's Employment Service"
Screen Writer - Sergey Krasnopeyev
Director - Vladimir Potapov
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

18. 16 Mar, 1997

Self-advertisement video-compilation "TECHINVEST TV-company '94-'96"
Screen Writer & Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)
Video on WWW {Duration: 8'22"; File Size: 54.7MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 910Kbps} - Igor Lipski

19. 8 May, 1997

"Moskow. Unemployment Withuot Rights for Settlement", version 1
Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Vladimir Potapov
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

20. 5 Jun, 1997

"Youth Employment Exchange For All !", version 4
Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (Strato Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

21. 14 Oct, 1997

"Siberian Airdrop", version 1
Screen Writer - Michael Kozlov
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Sergei Yefremenkov (Adobe Photoshop)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

22. 5 Nov, 1997

"Moskow. Unemployment Withuot Rights for Settlement", version 2
Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Vladimir Potapov
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

23. 8 Nov, 1997

"Siberian Airdrop", version 2
Screen Writer - Michael Kozlov
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Sergei Yefremenkov (Adobe Photoshop)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)
Video on WWW {Duration: 25'38"; File Size: 170MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 913Kbps} - Igor Lipski

24. 30 Dec, 1997

"Just Don't Be Afraid!"
Screen Writer - Anastasiya Matveyeva
Director - Vladimir Potapov
Cameraman - Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

25. 14 Feb, 1998

"Moskow's House on Neva riverside", version 1
Screen Writer & Director - Dmitriy Titov
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Sergei Yefremenkov (Adobe Photoshop)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

26. 18 Apr, 1998

"Moskow's House on Neva riverside", version 2
Screen Writer & Director - Dmitriy Titov
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Sergei Yefremenkov (Adobe Photoshop)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

27. 4 Jun, 1998

"Moskow's House on Neva riverside", version 3
Screen Writer & Director - Dmitriy Titov
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Sergei Yefremenkov (Adobe Photoshop)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

28. 17 Nov, 1998

"Brewery BALTICA"
Screen Writer & Director - Gleb Nikulskiy
Cameraman - Oleg Belokon (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

29. 24 Nov, 1998

"City Rhythmes"
Screen Writer & Producer - Sergey Pavlov
Director - Valentina Govorushkina
Cameraman - Alexei Karpov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

30. 18 Jan, 1999*

"Saint Petersburg's Health Service '98"
Screen Writer & Director - Lyubov Vasko
Director - Valentina Govorushkina
Cameraman - ... (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

31. 10 Feb, 1999*

"Saint Petersburg's ROSINKAS-BANK"
Screen Writer - Nadezhda Gerasimova
Directors - Nikolay Raytsev
Cameraman - Dmitriy Dolgov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

32. 16 Apr, 1999*

"The British Council, St Petersburg, English Language Centre"
Screen Writers - Olga Shurbelyova, Melissa Cudmore"
Producer and Director - Igor Lipski
Cameramans - Dmitriy Dolgov, Alexander Samsonov, Igor Lipski (BetacamSP)
Digital Artists - Sergey Yefremenkov, (3D Studio MAX), Igor Lipski (Adobe AfterEffects, Photoshop)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)
HTML-version on WWW - Igor Lipski
Video on WWW {Duration: 11'50"; File Size: 73.5MB; Stream: MPEG-4 H.264 640x480 25fps: 865Kbps} - Igor Lipski

33. 24 Apr, 1999*

"The Man of Gillette"
Screen Writer - ...
Directors - Olga Astakhova
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

34. 15 May, 1999*

"Severnoje Sijanije" (The Northern Lights)
Screen Writer - Nadezhda Gerasimova
Director - Nikolay Raytsev
Cameraman - Dmitriy Dolgov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

35. September, 1999* Electoral promo "Deputy Candidate Valery Serdjukov"
    a). Middle versions  0'24" and 0'20"   2 Sep, 1999
    b). Long version  3'00"   4 Sep, 1999
    c). Six short versions  6 per 10"   7 Sep, 1999
Producer & Screen Writer - Sergey Pochin
Director - Nikolay Raytsev
Cameraman - Victor Konovalov, Sergey Krasnopeyev, Dmitriy Dolgov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)


6 per

36. 29 Oct, 1999*

Pilot for Electoral promo reels "Deputy Candidate Shimanov"
Producer General - Sergej Pochin
Screen Writer - Sergej Pochin
Director - Nikolay Raytsev
Cameramans - Dmitriy Dolgov (BetacamSP
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

37. 4 Nov, 1999*

Five Electoral promo reels "Deputy Candidate Shimanov"
Producer General - Sergej Pochin
Screen Writer - Sergej Pochin
Director - Nikolay Raytsev
Cameraman - Dmitriy Dolgov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)


38. 27 Sep, 2000*

Show Only Men "Club '69 with the best showman captain BLAISE" 10'35" and
Show-Ballet "STRANGER" from BLAISE " 22'09"
Producer and Art-Director - Captain Blaise
Cameraman - ... (BetacamSP)
AV-Editing - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)




# Date Title & Creators Run Time
1. 20 Aug, 1994

"Establishment of Teenagers Employment"
Screen Writer - Mila Pozdnyakova
Director - Igor Feoktistov
Cameraman - Eduard Sokolov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

2. 18 Mar, 1995

"A Jobless Engineer"
Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Sergey Efremenko (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

3. 27 Mar, 1995

"How to Organize Your Own Business?"
Screen Writer - Elena Klementova
Director - Pavel Medvedev
Cameraman - Sergey Efremenko (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

4. 2 Apr, 1995

"If You Signed Off !"
Screen Writer - Elena Yegorova
Director - Alexei Meshkov
Cameraman - Sergey Efremenko (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

5. 10 Apr, 1995

"First Appointment" (Psychological Supporting Service)
Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Evgenia Gorelikova
Cameraman - Sergey Efremenko (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

6. 19 Apr, 1995

"I'm Studying!"
Screen Writer & Director - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Cameraman - Sergey Efremenko (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

7. 30 Apr, 1995

"Juridical Prerequisites for Job Intake"
Screen Writer - Elena Klementova
Director - Pavel Medvedev
Cameraman - Sergey Efremenko (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

8. 5 May, 1995

"What the job may I have than?"
Screen Writer & Director - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Cameraman - Sergey Efremenko (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

9. 9 May, 1995

"Ahead-Of-Schedule Retirement"
Screen Writer - Alik Gaynanov
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Sergey Efremenko (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

10. 15 May, 1995

"Let's Wait and See!"
Screen Writer & Director - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Cameraman - Sergey Efremenko (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

11. 22 May, 1995

"Assurances and Exemptions of Jobbless Citizens"
Screen Writer - Elena Yegorova
Director - Alexei Meshkov
Cameraman - Sergey Efremenko (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

12. 20 Jun, 1995

"Occupational Guidance"
Screen Writer - Michael Bendyukov
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

13. 21 Nov, 1995

"I'm Searching for a Job!"
Screen Writer - Michael Bendyukov
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

14. 19 Sep, 1999*

"Where should be taken forces for the success?"
Screen Writer - Khasai Aliyev
Director - Vladimir Potapov
Cameraman - ... (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)




# Date Title & Creators Run Time
1. 21 Mar, 1995

"The Shoomaker-Levy Comet"
Screen Writer - Eduard Kats
Director - Dmitiy Kovalenko
Cameraman - Ivan Bolshakov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Andrey Vershkov (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

2. 4 Sep, 1995

"And It was August ..."
Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Sergey Zmeyevtsev
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Digital Artist - Gleb Nikulskiy (3D Studio)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

3. 29 Jan, 1998

"Nestor Makhno is Petrushka of Russian Revolution"
Screen Writer & Director - Petr Soldatenkov
Cameramans - ... (35mm/16mm/BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

4. 6 Apr, 1998

Documentary about Russian Teen-agers drug addiction problem "RUNNIGN"
Screen Writer - Svetlana Kulchitskaya
Director - Gleb Nikulskiy
Cameraman - Alexander Samsonov (BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

5. 13 Oct, 1998

"The Testament of Alexander Galitch"
Idea Author - Alexander Petrakov
Screen Writer & Director - Petr Soldatenkov
Cameramans - Alexander Gutman and Vasiliy Jurchuk (16mm/BetacamSP)
Manager - Natalia Chernisheva
Music - Dmitri Shostakovich
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

6. 23 Jan, 1999*

"The Casebook" (for 60th anniversary of Vladimir Vysotskiy)
Screen Writer & Director - Petr Soldatenkov
Cameramans - ... (16mm/BetacamSP)
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)

7. 2 Nov, 2000*

"Brotherhood of Arctic Convoys 1941-1945"
Author & Screen Writer - Sergej Aprelev
Director - Petr Soldatenkov
Cameramans - War News Cameramans
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (Panasonic AV Workstation WJ-MX1200)



News Reels for Broadcasting

# Date Title & Creators Run Time
January 2001

About 200-300 news-reels... It is impossible to make enumerating of all...
Video Editing & Background SoundTracks - Igor Lipski (AVID MC8000)



  This page is made by -- Igor Lipski. Here is his Web-Site and E-mail